zehra dogan tenkovi
Prenosimo govor sa protesta 8og marta u solidarnosti sa Afrinom :

Organizovanje odozdo, autonomija i samoodređenje nisu principi neke daleke
utopije : to su emacipatorski pristupi koje želimo da uspostavimo u našem društvu. 
Kapitalizam i patrijarhat nam upropašćavaju živote, tako što  stvaraju izolaciju i 
otuđenosti, takmičarske odnose i odnose moći–  ovde u Srbiji i svuda.
Kapitalizam i patrijarhat nas potčinjavaju, zato moramo da se povežemo, da se
organizujemo i da se borimo kako bismo prevazišle ovo stanje ropstva.
Ne pristajemo da sistem čini naš život nepodnošljivim - već obrnuto: Mi ćemo
učiniti sistemu život nepodnošljivim !
Borba protiv patrijarhata – i to ne samo 8.og marta nego svaki dan – je temelj
za stvaranje slobodnog društva. 
Danas želimo da kažemo nekoliko reči o  otporu žena i muškaraca u Afrinu,
koji Već 48 dana  hrabro pružaju otpor napadu turskih vlasti, fašističkoj
politici turkih nacionalista u koaliciji sa islamističkim militantnim
Borba se nastavlja svaki dan dok svi ljudi ne budu živeli u miru i samoodređenju.
U demokratskoj federaciji severne Sirije, u  regionu koji je postao poznat pod imenom 
Rožava, ljudi se  organizuju na temelju tri principa: Oslobođenje od rodnih uloga, 
 ekologija i bazična demokratija.
Organizovanje žena i rodno ne-određenih članova društva  je tamo na svim
nivoima autonomno. Neograničena snaga ovog pokreta poseduje duh,  koji se 
neće predati vlastima, asimilaciji, kotroli i neće se pomiriti sa  tlačenjem i represijom.
Afrin nije slučajna meta ovih brutalnih napada.  Napad na Afrin  je napad
na žensku antipatrijarhalnu revoluciju i antinacionalizam.
Sa  ovog skupa šaljemo naše solidarne i borbene pozdrave svima onima, koji
pružaju otpor fašizmu u Afrinu, u planinama Kurdistana i širom sveta!
Od Beograda do Afrina: fašisti i seksisti neće proći!
Afrin je i ovde – Otpor je svuda!

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Freedom for Ahmed H. now!

It is Ahmed’s birthday today, and it is more than 2 years now that he is kept in complete isolation, separated from his family, wife and two young daughters. All requests for visit were rejected or simply ignored by the hungarian authorities.


On the 15th of June 2017 in Szeged, Hungary, Ahmed H. had his second instance trial which referred the case back to the first instance court to reconsider the terrorism charges due to “lack of reasoning and interpretation”. This reconsideration will take place on the 30th of October and continue on the 2nd of November. The trial against Ahmed H. is a racist showcase that tries to strengthen the idea that all migrants are terrorists and to criminalize another protest against the EUropean border regime (for more details visit the blog of the campaign: http://freetheroszke11.weebly.com/).

How can you support?

1) Join the protests

Join our decentralized actions all over Europe to put pressure on the Hungarian government and court system and show Ahmed that he is not alone!  During the days around the trial dates on the 30th of October and 2nd of November protests at embassies and consulates in different cities will take place: Budapest, Vienna, Marseille, Berlin … If you want to organize a protest at your local embassy/consulate or other solidarity actions contact us and we will link it on our website. Also more creative and subversive forms of protest are welcome!

2) Support for lawyer costs

To support Ahmed and his family with the high lawyer costs, please visit our fundraisingcampaign: https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/justice-for-ahmed-fundraising-for-defense-lawyer 

or use our donation account:                                                                                                          Rote Hilfe e.V. Ortsgruppe Frankfurt                                                                                             Donation Reference: Röszke 11                                                                                                    IBAN: DE24 4306 0967 4007 2383 90                                                                                               BIC: GENODEM1GLS

All the money goes directly to Ahmed’s wife.

3) Spread the word

Spread this update, the information about the trials, our website and the crowdfunding over your networks! Solidarity is our weapon !

We continue to struggle for the freedom of Ahmed and against the repression of state institutions! Migration is not a crime as fighting for freedom is not terrorism!

Freedom for Ahmed H., freedom for the Röszke 11, freedom for all imprisoned migrants, freedom for all political prisoners!

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video snimak: svakodnevni teror nad ljudima bez papira, naoružana srpska policija zlostavlja ljude u graničnom pojasu

Svedočenja su snimljena u šumarcima blizu mađarske granice, gde se ljudi skrivaju pokušavajući da napuste srbiju.  Ovakve posete predstavnika srpskih vlasti, upotreba oružja, mučenja, krađe nisu novina već dugogodišnja praksa!

Obratite pažnju na lica pandura i dobro ih zapamtite! Ako ovi sadisti, neljudi u uniformama misle da  se neće saznati za njihova zlodela teško se varaju!


Police harassment in Subotica (Serbia) – Acoso policial en Subótica (Serbia) from Refugeless on Vimeo.

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From the diaries I lost

prevod na naški u nastavku

2nd of August , 2017                                                                                                                            Belgrade

The situation here in Serbia  is very difficult for us. I would say this could be the worst time for us since we left our homeland. Let me write just about one story, from this you can imagine what we are facing on this journey.

We were a group of about 23 guys, when we reached near the border we saw there is  a lot of control in the area. That night it was a heavy rain. After waiting for the whole nigh we did not manage to cross. Early in the morning we were told to go back to Subotica where we supposed to decide in which route we are going to try again. We asked the smugglers to cover the bus tickets or pay  the taxi but they told us that this time there are no buses and taxis, so you have to walk. After walking for about 5 hours we arrived back to Subotica.

The next day, after 6 hours walking they took us to a specific place near the border and told us to sit in the jungle. After half hour waiting we moved more near, there, we saw two high fences. They told us that they will cut the first fence and we have to climb on the second one and then to run. Some of the guys told them that it is very difficult to climb on that fence (it was about 4meters high), but they just told us when we cut the first fence and anyone of you didn’t try to climb and comes back, we will cut those with knives.

They cut the first fence, and told us to climb and then to run. When they cut the fence all the guys started to run and climb on the second one, although some of us could not do that, it was very difficult, but at least we had to try.  When we  tried to climb on the second fence, as we touched it, we felt electric shocks. They kept telling us to climb and hurry up, some of the guys when they felt the electric shocks , they wanted to go back, but the smugglers kept shouting on them. At last hardly we manage to climb over the fence and started running towards the jungle. After 5 minutes a lot of police cars came to the point where the fence was cut.  They started to search for us in the jungle.  We continued to run without stopping to escape from them.  After 20 minutes continuous running we hide in a place in the forest. We saw the hungarian police/border hunters with lights searching for us. When those on the ground did not find us they called for a helicopter. We were hiding and the helicopter was flying over us.  After 30 min they found us, they started running towards us and they start to beat us, kick us and abuse everyone. They were shouting on us with their machine guns to terrorize us, and they beat us a lot. They wear ocher shirts and camouflage pants with machine guns in their hands. They took us to a specific place where their colleagues were, I guess it was  another unit  ( they wear different uniforms). We were told to sit in one line. Then, they called another team ( blue uniforms with dogs), they  set  the dogs on us and  beat us more. When someone was crying, being scared from the dogs, they were laughing on him. They asked us whom of us can speak english, romanian, serbian, hungarian… because of the fear that they will ask more and more questions nobody wanted to speak in english. They told us that if non of us wants to speak, they will beat us again. Then I realized that they are going to beat us all, so I stood out from the group and told them that I can speak a bit of English.

“Come on we were looking for you!” – like in the movies.

They separated me from the group and took me behind the cars, they wanted me to tell them where are the other guys. I told them I don’t know where they are.  They kept telling me that I know where the others are. I said I don’t know, when we crossed the fence we all run in different directions, how can I know where the others are. They kept shouting on me:

“We saw in the camera that 17 guys crossed the border, where are the other 7?”

They thought I was the leader of the group, because they found the power bank in my bag. For them   it was a proof of being a “leader”.

When they realized that I am not going to tell them about the other guys, as I had no idea where they are, they started to beat me. They were 4 ( two in military uniforms and two in police uniforms), they beat me a lot, then they took me back to the group and they told me to lay down on the ground with extended arms above my head, like the others. We were told to not look at them. They started to beat us again, using sticks and kicking us. They were making fun of us, laughing on us. After that one of them started to walk on us, they were enjoying, laughing, and abusing us . Once again one of them, I think he was the senior officer came to me and beat my head with his stick and kept shouting to tell them about the others from the group. They also told me to tell them how we crossed and who brought us here.

We were laying on the ground like that for more than two hours. They turned their lights on my eyes and demanded to tell them about the smugglers and the route. They were making fun of me.

“ Will you come back to hungary again? If you try to come, we will be here, waiting for you, because we love to fight with you…”

After more than two hours they told us to stand in one line, they brought the police van, one by one they took us into the van, they were kicking and abusing us. When we asked about our bags and stuff they shouted: “ Get into the van as we said.”  We never got back our stuff. My diary was inside my bag. It is the 3rd diary I have lost.

In the van one of them told me that when we arrive, there will be more of them waiting to beat us, so we don’t come again. We arrived near the fence, there was a lot of police cars, they took us out one by one, and took a picture of us, they were still laughing. We had to stand in one line, then they gave us a paper written in pashto that we will be punished if we try to enter hungary again.

They brought us back to serbia.  Now I started to write my 4th diary.

At the end I would say that the way how they were treating and acting towards us was totally based on racism, as I was realizing at that time that it is clearly a war against people without papers.

02.08.2017. Beograd

Iz izgubljenih dnevnika

Situacija ovde u Srbiji je veoma teška. Rekao bih da su ovo možda najteži dani od kada smo napustili svoj dom. Dozvolite mi da napišem samo jednu priču, možda će vam olakšati da razumete kroz šta prolazimo na ovom putu.

U grupi nas je bilo oko 23, kada smo stigli blizu granice videli smo da ima mnogo kontrole na tom područlju. Te noći je padala jaka kiša. Čekali smo celu noć, ali nismo uspeli da pređemo. Rano ujutro rečeno nam je da se vraćamo za Suboticu, i  da ćemo posle videti gde i kako da pokušamo ponovo. Tražili smo od krijumčara da nam daju novac za autobus ili taxi ali su nam rekli da u ovo vreme ne ide ništa i da moramo da hodamo. Nakon 5 sati pešačenja stigli smo nazad u Suboticu.

Sledeći dan, posle 6 sati hodanja, odveli su nas na određeno mesto blizu granice i rekli su  nam da čekamo u šumi. Posle od prilike pola sata prišli smo još bliže granici,  videli smo dve visoke ograde. Vodiči su nam rekli da će preseći prvu ogradu, a mi moramo da se popnemo preko druge, da je preskočimo zatim da trčimo iz sve snage. Neki od nas su se bunili da je to preteško, druga ograda je oko 4 metara visine. Rekli su nam da ako se neko od nas vrati  nazad bez da je pokušao da se popne isećiće ga noževima.

Presekli su prvu ogradu, svi smo pojurili i krenuli da se penjemo na drugu. Delovalo je nemoguće ali nije nam bilo druge sem da pokušamo. Kada smo dotakli drugu ogradu, osetili smo peckanje struje.  Neki od nas su hteli da odustanu, ali krijumčari su se derali na nas da požurimo.

Na kraju smo nekako uspeli uprkos struje i visine da preskočimo i krenuli smo da trčimo prema šumi. Nakon samo 5 minuta puno policijskih kola je stiglo na mesto gde je ograda bila presečena. Krenuli su da nas traže po šumi. Mi smo i dalje trčali bez prestanka da bi im utekli. Posle 20minuta neprekidnog šprinta sakrili smo se u šumi. Videli smo svetla, mađarski panduri- granični lovci su bili u potrazi za nama.

Kako oni na kopnu nisu uspeli da nam uđu u trag, pozvali su pomoć helikoptera. Helicopter je nadletao nad nama. Nakon pola sata su nas pronašli, krenuli su da trče prema nama, da nas biju i šutiraju. Da bi nas  još više terorisali, derali su se i psovali  sa oružjem u rukuma  dok su nas zlostavljali.  Nosili su majice oker boje, kamuflažne pantalone i mitraljeze. Odneli su nas na mesto gde su bili njihove kolege, pretpostavljam da je to bila neka druga jedinica, imali su drugačije uniforme. Naređeno nam je da sednemo u red.  Pozvali su drugu jedinicu ( sa plavim uniformama i psima), huškali su pse na nas i batinali. Kada je neko od straha zaplakao smejali su se. Pitali su ko od nas govori engleski, rumunski, srpski ili mađarski.. Bojali smo se da će nas ispitivati, zato niko nije hteo da progovori engleski. Rekli su nam da ako niko neće da priča šibanje će se nastaviti. Kada sam shvatio da će nas ponovo biti, iskoračio sam iz grupe i rekao da  pomalo govorim engleski.

“Ajde, tebe smo tražili!” –  ( kao u filmovima )

Odvojili su me od grupe i odveli iza auta. Tražili su od mene da im kažem gde su ostali momci. Rekao sam da ne znam.  Oni su insistirali na tome da im kažem gde se oni nalaze. Rekao sam im kako bih mogao da znam gde su oni, kada smo prešli preko ograde, trčali smo na razne strane. Nastavili su da urlaju:                                                                       “Na kameri smo videli da vas je bilo 17,  gde su ostala sedmorica?”

Našli su bateriju (powerbank) za punjenje telefona u mom rancu. To im je bio dokaz da sam ja lider grupe. Kada su videli da im neću ništa reći, a zaista nisam znao gde su ostali, ponovo su počeli da me batinaju. Bilo ih je četvorica (dvojica u vojnim uniformama i dvojica u policijskim), mnogo su me izudarali. Onda su me odveli nazad kod ostalih i naredili da legnem na zemlju sa ispruženim rukama iznad glave. Naređeno nam je da ne smemo da ih gledamo. Onda opet šibanje sa palicama i šutiranje. Jedan od njih je hodao na našim leđima i udarao nas od gore.  Smejali su se, bila je to zabava, razonoda za njih.  Mislim da je to bio nadležni oficir,  još jednom mi se približio  i udario me u glavu sa palicom. Opet se derao i tražio je da mu kažem gde su ostali, kako smo prešli i ko nas je doveo ovde.  Ležali smo u toj pozi više od dva sata. Uperili su mi svetla u oči  i ispitivali me o krijumčarima i ruti. Ismevali su me.

“ Hoćeš li se ponovo vraćati u mađarsku? Ako probaš, mi ćemo biti tu, čekaćemo te, zato što volimo da se borimo sa vama…”

Napokon je stigla policijska marica, jedan po jedan su nas ubacili u vozilo, šutirajući nas. Tražili smo da nam vrate torbe sa našim stvarima.                                                             “Ulazite u vozilo kako vam je rečeno!”                                                                                       Nikad nismo dobili nazad naše stvari. Moj dnevnik je bio u rancu. Bio je to treći izgubljni dnevnik na ovom putu.

Dok smo se vozili jedan od lovaca nam je rekao da će nas na odredištu čekati još njihovih kolega – da bi nas naučili lekciji i da se nikad više ne vratimo u mađarsku. Stigli smo blizu ograde, izveli su nas jedan po jedan i fotografisali. Još su se uvek smejali. Morali smo stajati u liniji, onda su nam dali papir  na kome je na pašto jeziku  pisalo da ćemo biti kažnjeni ako ponovo pokušamo da uđemo u mađarsku.

Vratili su nas u srbiju.                                                                                                                    Počeo sam da pišem četvrti dnevnik. Na kraju bih samo rekao da način, na koji su nas tretirali i šta su nam radili bilo je apsolutno rasistički, tada sam u potpunosti svatio da oni vode rat protiv ljudi bez papira.

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a short letter for all who wants to listen

                   “smash racism”  (pashto),  poster made in Krnjača concentration camp

I am S. M. I am from Afghanistan.
I am a refugee. I am a human. I am not a terrorist.
I escaped from terrorism. I am not illegal, i am a seeker of freedom,
I am not a bad man, I am a good man, I have black hair, I have dark skin,
I dont want war, I escaped from war, I am peaceful, I love peace,
they dont want peace, they want me dead so I left my land,
I searched for a safe place, in that search of a safe place
eventually I reached Europe, in Europe they gave me a title of refugee,
I love it, here some are afraid of me, I dont know why.
They say you are young in fighting age, you had to fight for your country!
I said bro, be my friend, I am tired of fighting, my forefathers died
fighting for peace, my grandpa died fighting for peace, my father died
fighting for peace, I was born in war, I grew up in war,
bombs and bullets were my toys, gun firing my music,
every day and every night I struggled for peace,
I prayed for peace I wished for peace. I am sorry sir,
I could not fight any more, I am so tired.

Call those wolves back to your cage, will you let me
take a breath of peace in your garden?

Ja sam S. M.                                                                                                                                           Ja sam iz Avganistana.
Ja sam izbeglica. Ja sam čovek.
Nisam terorista. Pobegao sam od terorizma.
Nisam ilegalan, ja sam tragač za slobodom,
Ja nisam loš čovek, ja sam dobar čovek,                                                                                           imam crnu kosu i tamnu kožu,
Ne želim rat, pobegao sam od rata,                                                                                                    ja sam miroljubiv, ja volim mir.
Oni ne žele mir, žele me mrtvog, zato sam napustio svoju zemlju,
Tražio sam sigurno mesto i u toj potrazi na kraju sam stigao do Evrope,
u Evropi su mi dali titulu izbeglice, volim to,
ovde neki strahuju od mene, ne znam zašto.
Rekao mi je, mlad si, spreman za borbu, trebao si se boriti za svoju zemlju!
Rekao sam mu Brate, budi mi Prijatelj, umoran sam od borbe, moji predaci su umrli
u borbi za mir, moj deda se borio i umro za mir, moj otac je umro
u borbi za mir, rođen sam u ratu, odrastao sam u ratu,
bombe i meci su bili moje igračke, pucnjava je bila moja muzika,
Svaki dan i svake noći sam se borio za mir,
Molio sam se za mir, želeo sam mir.                                                                                               Izvinite gospodine,
nisam mogao više da se borim, jako sam umoran.                                                                     Zato pozovite te vukove nazad u vaš kavez,                                                                               hoćete li mi dozvoliti jedan udah mira u vašoj bašti?

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Passport, a poem by Rafeef Ziadah

Rafeef Ziadah : Pasoš


Svima koji barataju engleskim jezikom se preporučuje da poslušaju originalnu izvedbu autorke.  Ako je neko inspirisan da uradi bolji prevod, bićemo sretni ako nam ga pošaljete. S obzirom da u engleskom jeziku u prvom licu jednine ne postoji oznaka muškog i ženskog roda, u prevodu je namerno korišćena njihova neizmenična upotreba.


Rafeef Ziadah (autorka pesme) :  “ Ono što nisam znala do skoro je da kada dobijete kanadsko državljanstvo, kao i australijsko,   treba da položite zakletvu kraljici, kraljici Engleske! Kad dođete, oni vam daju parče papira na kojem piše : Zaklinjem  se kraljici i svim njenim naslednicima ( na engleskom: heirs). U prostoriji punoj ljudi kojima engleski jezik nije maternji, reč  “heirs” veoma liči na  “hairs”  (dlake).                                                                                                        Dakle, ovo je pesma o tome šta znači biti ilegalan i o polaganju zakletve kraljici i njenim dlakama.”



Danas je moj dan!
Danas je moj dan,
vidiš li da je danas moj dan,
postaću jedan od vas,
postaću jedna od vas, posednika pasoša,
jedan od vas, legalnih, legalnih,
legalnih, legalnih, legalnih!
Jedna od vas.
Danas je moj dan, postaću jedan od vas
i sve što treba da uradim je da podignem ruku
i da se zakunem kraljici
i svim njenim moćnim,
moćnim dlakama!

Nisam siguran na koje dlake se tačno misli.
Ali sada nije vreme da se postavi to pitanje.
Sada nije vreme da se govori o britanskom kolonijalizmu.
Nije vreme da se pitamo koliko je bogatstvo kraljice,
sada je vreme da se osmehnem, svojim najsjajnijim osmehom
i da se zakunem kraljici,
i svim njenim moćnim,
moćnim dlakama.
I kunem se ako bi me pitali da se udam za Charles-a,
danas bih to učinila.
Zato što je danas moj dan.
Danas je moj dan, postaću jedan od vas
legalnih, legalnih, legalnih, posednika pasoša.
Jedan od vas.

Ali on me nije ni pogledao,
on me nije ni pogledao,
skriven iza sivog stola, čudnim osmehom,
čak me nije ni pogledao.
Nije me pitao za ime,
nije pogledao fotografiju da bi ustanovio
slaže li se sa licem ili starosnim dobom,
nije pitao koliko dugo i gde ću da boravim
ili razlog moje posete,
on me nije čak ni pogledao.

Nije me poslao na kraj reda, ili u malu prostoriju,
u tu malu prostoriju, skrivenu na aerodromima
koju vi nikad ne vidite,
nije me držao da stojim go, sam,
s gumenim rukavicama ispipavajući kožu,
tražeći dokaze za nešto što nikad nisam razumeo:
šta imigracioni službenici misle da krijemo ispod kože?

I za trenutak, iskreno, za trenutak
hteo sam da se otrgnem,
htela sam da mu objasnim da je pogrešio,
da mu objasnim da postoje pitanja koje treba da pita,
da postoje mašine, da postoje mašine
da uvek uvek uvek
postoje neke nove mašine,
mašine, koje trebaju da testiraju
mašine, koje skeniraju naše retine
izazivajući psihički šok
mašine, koje kodiraju pogrbljene skelete
u cik-cak redovima za vizu.
Mašine, mašine koje uzimaju
biometrijski otisak vrhova mojih prstiju,
i pronalaze moju baku, skrivenu ispod ruševina.
Mašine, mašine koje će vam reći
“Nisam tu da oduzmem vaše radno mesto.
Obećavam, nisam tu da bih uzeo vaše radno mesto!”
Mašine! Koje će vam reći
“Ako dobijem posao, nikad neću
pitati za minimalnu zaradu,
ja nikad neću pitati za minimalnu zaradu.”
Mašine! Mašine! Koje mogu skenirati naše retine,
izazivajući psihički šok
i uzeti biometrijski otisak naših prstiju
da bi vam rekli našu istoriju…
Istoriju skrivanja na brodovima preko Mediterana,
Istoriju potapanja tih brodova u Mediteranu…

Ali on me nije ni pogledao.

Vidiš, ništa se nije promenilo između 12. i 13. jula,
apsolutno se ništa nije promenilo između 12. i 13. jula,
Moja ilegalna koža,
Moje ilegalne kosti,
Još uvek nose moje ilegalno “Ja”.

Samo sam podigla ruku i zaklela se
kraljici i svim njenim moćnim,
moćnim dlakama.



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Police operations and violent relocations to Preševo/ Policijske racije i nasilne relokacije za Preševo

(tekst na naškom u nastavku)

As it has been already stated, violence, repression and persecution has been growing since the squatted barracks got evicted and demolished on May 11th.  Before the elections the serbian police was more reserved but now using violence openly. In the last two weeks there has been three physically violent police operations, forcing people to be taken to the infamous Preševo closed “camp” near Macedonia. Although is it presented as a reception center, the unspoken reality is that of a detention camp. The approx.  1000 people imprisoned there are not allowed to go in or out, except for a very restricted special permission, and the only way to leave the camp is to be pushed-back illegaly to Macedonia, which happens regularly.

The first of these operations took place inside the official refugee camp in Obrenovac, near Belgrade. The police came to the camp at 5 o‘clock in the morning on June 10th and forced 103 random people inside waiting buses. Those who were resisting got violently beaten up and abused verbally. The approximately 50 policemen neither told anyone where they would be brought, although they were constantly asked to do so. People didn’t have time to take their personal belongings with them, not even their phones. Among them were families and minors who got separated.

On June 16th at 4 am, there was another police operation in Sombor Camp, near the Croatian and Hungarian border. This time all 148 single men were rounded up in a similar violent fashion and brought to Preševo as well.

On June 22nd also at 4am, the police literally hunt down approximately 100 people staying in the area of the former refugee camp near the Croatian border in the city of Šid. People were beaten and forced at gun point to leave their belongings and get into buses and were brought to the prison camp of Preševo.

Acting as spokesperson, being part of the decision making and putting himself in the spotlight is the minister of labour, employment, veteran and social policy, Aleksandar Vulin. He is openly using racist rhetoric as he referred to the operation in Šid as “cleansing”1 the area and justifying the actions with the usual lies of a safer environment for both residents and refugees by locking them up in, as he cynically put it: “in camps of the highest international standards”.

The pretending of the serbian authorities that these violent operations were conducted “in a human way”, saving migrants from the smugglers, locals from migrants, and the rest of europe from the “spread of the refugee crisis” is totally disgusting. As long as this racist border regime exists there is constant oppression and violence.

In solidarity with all people on the move

1 http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/naslovna/politika/aktuelno.289.html:671825-Vulin-Ilegalni-migranti-ne-smeju-ugrozavati-zivot-gradjana-Srbije


Od rušenja skvotiranih baraka (11.maj 2017) jasno se oseća rast nasilja, represije i progona od strane državnih organa.  Pre predsedničkih izbora srpska policija se ponašala rezervisanije, bez jasnih naredbi, zato sada otvoreno upotrebljava silu. U protekle dve nedelje su vlasti tri puta organizovale nasilne policijske operacije i prisilno premestili ljude u zatvorski logor u Preševu.  Taj logor se zvanično vodi kao prihvatni centar otvorenog tipa, ali zapravo je tamo oko 1000 ljudi (uključujući i porodice sa decom) zatvoreno, neki od njih već više od godinu dana. Izlaz i ulaz u logor je zabranjen, osim za limitirani broj osoba sa specijalnom dozvolom, koji ponekad mogu da izađu radi kupovine. Vlasti redovno “prazne“ logor, tako što deportuju ljude (ilegalno) za Makedoniju, a oni koji su uhvaćeni u begstvu se takođe kažnjavaju deportacijom.

Prva operacija se desila u zvaničnom prihvatnom centru u Obrenovcu, blizu Beograda. 10. Juna, u 5 sati ujutro se pojavilo oko 50 pandura u kampu i prisilili su ljude ( 103 nasumično izabranih) da uđu u autobuse koji su bili organizovani za ovu operaciju. Oni koji su pružali otpor su pretučeni i verbalno vređani. Na pitanje gde ih vode, i da li će ih zatvoriti u Preševu nisu dobili odgovor. Ljudi  su  bili uterani u autobuse, nisu imali ni toliko vremena da pokupe svoje lične stvari, čak ni mobilne telefone. Tokom ove operacije familije i maloletnici su razdvojeni.

16. juna, u 4 ujutro je bila još jedna policijska operacija u drugom prihvatnom centru u Somboru. Ovoga puta su ljude okružile policijske jedinice uteravši ih u obruč. Slično kao u Obrenovcu oko 150 osoba je nasilno preveženo za Preševo.

Treća operacija se desila 22. juna u blizini Šida, takođe u 4 ujutro. Policajci su doslovce pošli u  lov na ljude koji su još spavali na otvorenom prostoru, gde su se skrivali pokušavajući da napuste Srbiju. Oko 100 ljudi je odvedeno u zatvorski logor u Preševu.

Čovek koji  sebe stavlja u sjaj ove “uspešne operacije” je  ministar rada, zapošljavanja, boračkih i socijalnih pitanja Aleksandar Vulin. Vulin se koristi otverono rasističkom retorikom, u svojoj izjavi1 za medije kaže da su  “pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova očistili Šid od nelegalnih ”. On je ovu policijsku akciju predstavio kao uspostavljanje bezbedne sredine i za lokalno stanovništvo  i za migrante,  zapravo su ljude stavili pod ključ kako je ministar rekao u “ kamp u skladu sa najvišim svetskim standardima.”

Pretvaranje srpskih vlasti da su ove nasilne operacije bile sprovedene “bez primene sile, na ljudski način”, i da su spasili migrante od krijumčara, lokalce od migranata, a ostatak evrope od “ širenja izbegličke krize” , znači sve su spasili, više je nego degutantno.

Sve dok  rasistički režim granica postoji,  nasilje i tlačenje je konstantno.

Solidarno sa svim putnicima bez putnih isprava!

1 http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/naslovna/politika/aktuelno.289.html:671825-Vulin-Ilegalni-migranti-ne-smeju-ugrozavati-zivot-gradjana-Srbije

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ilegalizovani i nakon smrti / illegalized even in death

(eng. translation bellow)

Kao direktna posledica kriminalizacije i ilegalizacije pokreta ljudi bez papira, Ashraf Jabarkhail je pre dva dana  (24.06.2017. ) izgubio život.

Ashraf je živeo u kampu u  Adaševcima, uvidevši potpuni absurd i nefunkcionalnost azilnog sistema i opšte stanje u regionu, kao i svi koji su trenutno zarobljeni u Srbiji pokušavao je da napusti ovaj otvoreni zatvor.  Zajedno sa njegovim drugom  probali  su da nastave put  kamionom sa  benzinske pumpe blizu Adaševca. Kada su primetili da kamion ide u pogrešnom pravcu, skočili su sa kamiona koji je bio u pokretu. Ashraf se rodio u Afganistanu, imao je 18 godina.

Njegov prijatelj ima tešku povredu vrata, i trenutno se nalazi u bolnici u Beogradu.

Kao što smo pisali i ranije, sve veće kontrole i militarizacija granica čini da su ljudi primoreni koristiti sve opasnije puteve, stradanje ilegalizovanih ljudi je nevidljivo, možda se objavi kratka vest o “nesreći”  ili kao u slučaju Ashrafa ni toliko. Užasi sistemskog rasizma i ilegalizacije se nastavljaju čak i nakon smrti.  Ashrafova porodica koja sada pokušava da dobije telo stradalog mladića mora da prelazi kroz torture  birokratije sa drugog kraja sveta, a državni organi uključujući i ambasade, poput  lešinara profitiraju od smrti.  Traže se ogromne pare za procedure transfera tela.

Pored  celokupnog terora  graničnog režima i sistema logora; svakodnevni lov na ljude na granicama, policijske racije (u zvaničnim državnim logorima i mestima gde se ljudi skrivaju dok pokušavaju da idu dalje),  zatvaranja i mučenja ljudi, push-backovi i deportacije,  oseća se  rast rasizma i mržnje među lokalnim stanovništvom.

Ljudi koji borave u kampu u Obrenovcu sve češće izveštavaju o rasističkim napadima lokalnih grupica. Vozači ih ne puštaju u autobuse, deluje kao da su dobili naređenje za to sa ciljem da bi se ljudima otežao, onemogućio dolazak u grad. To je deo rastičke misije da parkovi i BELI GRAD ostane ”čist”.

Krajnje je vreme da počnemo da se edukujemo, da širom otvorenih očiju posmatramo i budemo svesni kako sve militarizuju oko nas, kako kulminira nasilje vlasti, i ne samo  da budemo svesni, već i da hrabro intervenišemo svakom prilikom protiv rasizma i  terora vlasti.

As a direct result of the criminalization and illegalization of the movement of undocumented people, Ashraf Jabarkhail lost his life two days ago (24.06.2017.).

Ashraf lived in a camp in Adaševci, having seen the complete absurdity and dysfunctionality of the asylum system and the conditions in the region in general, like all of us currently trapped in Serbia, tried to escape this open prison. He and his friend tried to continue the travel by truck from a gas station near Adaševci. When they noticed the truck was moving in the wrong direction, they jumped off the moving truck. Ashraf was born in Afghanistan, he was 18 years old.

His friend has sustained a serious neck injury, and is currently in a hospital in Belgrade.

As we wrote before, the ever-bigger controls and militarization of borders makes people forced to use increasingly dangerous ways of travel, the suffering of illegalized people is invisible, perhaps with a short news story about an “accident” or as is the case with Ashrafa, not even that. The horrors of systemic racism and illegalization continue even in death. Ashraf’s family which is currently trying to get the body of the deceased young man, is forced to go through the torture of a bureaucracy from the other side of the world, and the state institutions including embassies, like vultures profit off of death. They are asking for enormous sums of money for the procedures of body transfer.

Besides the overall terror of the border regime and the camp system; everyday hunting of people on the borders, police raids (in official state camps as well as places where people are hiding as they try to continue further on their way), the detentions and tortures of people, the push-backs and deportations, there is  rising of racism and hatred among the local population.

People staying in the camp in Obrenovac are reporting more and more frequently on the racist attacks by the local groups. Drivers won’t let them on buses, it seems like they’ve received orders for that with the goal of making it harder on the people, to make it impossible to get into the city. It’s part of the racist mission to keep the parks and the WHITE CITY (note: the English translation of Belgrade) “clean.”

It’s high time we start educating, watching with eyes wide open and become aware of the militarization happening all around us, how state violence is culminating, and not just to be aware, but to bravely intervene at every opportunity against racism and state terror.

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We will struggle for every moment of freedom

(prevod na naškom dole)

 30th of may

„ My name is Asa, it has been 11 months now that I am passing these hardest days of my traveling.  I am a refugee from Afghanistan. As we know freedom is the right of every breathing being. Right now i am in Belgrade, Serbia, i came here to save my life an be a real servant for human kind but today we are facing a lot of problems by the orders of the governments. They destroyed the place * where more than thousands of refugees passed their nights during their journey and then they send us to camps. But „camp“ is only a name, in fact it is like jail, they dont let us to move freely . Even for shopping. Even the bus drivers dont want to take us.

It seems like we are like the enemy of Serbia. We have many problems around the camp. There is a group of local mafia** , every night they try to beat  the refugees. We cannot move safely in the area outside and around the camp. Inside the camp the commissariat group works ***. Those people behave with refugees in a very inhumane way. In fact they forgot about humanity.  Everyone in Serbia has a pat/animal. If we would touch their pat they are ready to put us in jail forever.  Think about that we are also human. We have fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers.. what will happen to them?

Every one says that smugglers are bad people. First thing i want to ask what is the cause that smugglers started their jobs here in Serbia? The second thing i want to say: who is the bigger smuggler? The government or those who bring a kilo of hashish, when the government today is making business with the lives of thousands of humans? But no one can say anything opposed to this. Why?

Today we are in this problem, but  if these LAWS stay in power, maybe tomorrow you will be in my position. We accept that for most of you, refugees may look like a problem for Serbia, but putting pressure on them(us) will only create more problems. Remember one thing: what you are doing today with us, we will remember it forever. Please for the love and respect of human kind, let us to be free, we don’t want food, we don’t want cloths for what you should pay for, we only want to move freely, just free movement. “

*Place = the squatted warehouses behind the bus station in Belgrade                        **Mafia = gangs of locals that attacks on migrants to express their racist „anger“ or want to collect/steal money from migrants                                                                              *** Commissariat group = Commissariat for refugees under the ministry for social affairs

Some more details about the camp in Obrenovac that was shared by people who are forced to live there

The conditions in the camp are still as bad as in the beginning. There is no warm water. Some of the people went to the river in order to wash themselves.  There is no more cooked food in the camp,  people are not allowed to use the camp’s kitchen, so they cook for themselves on fire outside in the yard of the camp. Since people where sent to the camp (after the eviction of the warehouses that are now completely demolished) this camp was always a place where people were being threatened not to be able to leave or had difficulties to go out.  A few days ago the camp administration implemented a system that only certain people can leave the camp, those who receive a „shopping paper“ – they give it only to one person per „group“.  Outside of the camp there is police patrolling all the time. When they find people, migrants outside of the camp (as people reported) police threatens them to bring them to Preševo (a closed camp near to the macedonian border from where push backs are regularly happening), even there were cases of beatings. People are reporting specially about a worker of commissariat called Mohammed who physically  abuse people, beat and humiliate them. Everybody knows about his sadistic behavior but obviously he has protection from above, plus as usually, all those “experts for refugee issues”  don’t give a shit about it.  There is a cell in Obrenovac camp where people are locked up without food for 24h  as a punishment.  Racial segregation is visible in the public transport, people are refused entry to buses, or are forced to pay enormous amounts just to get to Belgrade.

Every day more than 500 people prepare food in the forest around the camp

On 27th of may the camp administration locked the front door and all exits of the camp. They gave out only few of these “shopping papers” and announced not to give more permission paper. During this month of Ramadan, people usually buy food items in the market  and cook for themselves in the forest of the camp for the fast breaking at night. When people started to organize and were ready to show resistance to this closure, the camp administration decided to opened the gate.

Down with all prisons! No to segregation and isolation!

  Moje ime je Asa, ovo je 11. mesec kako sam na putu, i prolazim kroz najteže dane mog putovanja. Ja sam izbeglica iz Afganistana. Kao što znamo pravo na slobodu ima svako biće koje diše. Sada sam u Srbiji, došao sam ovde da spasim život i da bez ograničenja i pretnji služim čovečanstvu, ali se suočavamo sa mnogo poteškoća zbog naredbi vlada. Oni su uništili prostor koji je bio sklonište za više od hiljadu izbeglica i onda su nas poslali u kampove. Ali „kamp“ je samo ime, u suštini ovo je kao zatvor, ne daju nam da se slobodno krećemo. Čak ni da odemo u nabavku. Ni vozači autobusa nas ne puštaju u autobuse.Deluje kao da smo mi najveći neprijatelji Srbije.

Imamo mnogo problema u ovom kampu. Grupa lokalnih mafijaša svako veče pokuša da uhvati i pretuče nekog od nas. Ne možemo da se bezbedno krećemo van i oko kampa. U kampu rade zaposleni Komesarijata. Oni nas tretiraju na veoma neljudski način. U biti, oni ne znaju za humanost.

U Srbiji svi imaju kućne ljubimce. Ako bi samo dotakli njihove ljubimce oni bi bili spremni da nas strpaju u zatvor zauvek. Mislite o tome da smo i mi ljudi, koji imaju majke, očeve, sestre, braću…. šta će se desiti sa njima?

Svi pričaju o tome kako su krijumčari loši ljudi. Prvo što želim da pitam; šta je razlog tome da su krijumčari mogli da započnu svoj biznis ovde u Srbiji? Drugo;  ko je veći krijumčar,  neko ko prešverca kilogram marihuane ili sve ove vlade, koje prave biznis od života hiljada ljudi? Ali niko ne sme da kaže ništa protiv toga. Zašto?

Danas smo mi u ovom velikom problemu, ali ako ovi zakoni ostaju na snazi možda će oni i vas uskoro ugroziti. Mi znamo da svima deluje da su izbeglice problem za Srbiju, ali ako se stavi još veći pritisak na njih (nas) to će doneti samo još više problema.

Zapamtite jednu stvar, ono što činite danas, o tome će vas pamtiti zauvek. Molim vas radi ljubavi i poštovanju prema ljudskoj vrsti, pustite nas da budemo slobodni. Ne želimo hranu ni odeću, samo želimo da se krećemo slobodno, samo slobodu kretanja.“

Nekoliko detalja o situaciji u logoru u Obrenovcu

Uslovi su i dalje loši kao na početku kad je taj logor otvoren. Nema tople vode, neki ljudi idu na reku da bi se okupali. Nema kuvane hrane u kampu, a pošto ljudima nije dozvoljeno da koriste kuhinju kampa, kuvaju sebi na vatri u okolnom šumarku. Od samog početka, otkada su ljudi prebačeni u ovaj kamp (posle rušenja baraka) prećeno im je da ne smeju napustiti objekat (bivše vojne kasarne) i svako malo im se limitira sloboda kretanja.

Oko kampa neprekidno patrolira policija. Ako uhvate nekoga van logora, osobi se preti da će biti deportovan za Preševo ( zatvoreni logor blizu Makedonske granice odakle ljude redovno deportuju nazad u Makedoniju), takođe poznati su slučajevi fizičkog zlostavljanja ljudi koji su napustili logor bez dozvole. Posebne žalbe stižu na zaposlenog komesariata,  osoba koja se navodno zove Mohammed, koji fizički zlostavlja, bije i ponižava ljude. Svi u upravi znaju o njegovom sadističkom ponašanju ali očigledno je zaštićen od strane svojih nadležnih.  U logoru postoji soba (ćelija) za kažnjavanje gde se ljudi drže zaključano 24časa bez hrane. Rasističke segregacije su sve češće, veoma upadljive u gradskom prevozu, ljudima se odbija ulazak u autobuse (iako se većina lokalaca vozi bez karte) ili im se naplaćuju ogromne cifre za prevoz do Beograda.

Pre nekoliko dana uprava kampa je  pokušala da uvede novi sistem da samo određeni ljudi koji poseduju takozvani „papir za kupovinu“ mogu da izađu iz kampa.  27.maja uprava logora je zatvorila sve izlaze iz logora. Podelili su nekoliko tih papira ( jednoj osobi po grupi)  i objavili da ostali neće dobiti dozvolu za izlazak. Kada su se ljudi pobunili protiv novog pravila, uprava je uvidela da njihov plan neće proći i otvorili su kapiju.


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End state terror! Solidarity with the hungerstrikers in Turkey/Kurdistan

We pass on the statement (in a shortened version) written by individuals in solidarity about two ongoing struggles . Although we dont believe in petitions and adressing state institutions, right now we see sharing information and raising awareness  about those cases as one way to support the aim of people who are targeted by the fascist turkish state …

Hungerstrike of teachers Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Ozakca

Since the coup attempt as part of             in-fighting in Turkey, thousands of democratic public servants were dismissed by the AKP-government.
One of them is the teacher Nuriye Gülmen. She is resisting since November 9th, 2016 to protest her dismissal by emergency laws. Therefore her protest is representing the rights of all other dismissed public workers. At the same time she struggles for the end of the emergency state.
Her sit-in-protest already reached the 193th day. Since the AKP didn’t react to her demands, Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Ozakca, another dismissed teacher, started an unlimited hungerstrike in Ankara on March 9th, 2017.. Their protest already has a big medial attention, but the government still acts deaf. The health of Nuryie and Semih is already seriously in danger. Their situation has worsened massively. Their demands must be fulfilled immediately because their life is really in danger!

It is time for the international community to raise its voice for the struggle of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça!

On social media, support the hashtag #NuriyeAndSemihAreNotAlone to spread the news, call for solidarity, and ask the government of Turkey to listen to their demands!

You can also contact Turkish embassy in your country. To find the contact numbers  and addresses of the Turkish embassies visit: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/yurtdisi-teskilati.tr.mfa


The 70-year old Kemal Gun struggles for the dead body of
his son Murat Gun at the Seyit Riza monument in the
city Dersim (Tunceli).
Since November 2016 the corpses of 10 revolutionaries,
whom were killed with chemical bombs during an military
operation by the Turkish Armed Forces are missing.
Until today only two corpses were given to their families.
There’s still no information into the whereabouts of the
other killed persons.
Kemal Gun is continuing an unlimited hungerstrike for 76
days, demanding a proper funeral for his son.
In the past, already Husnu Yildiz has successfully
struggled with a death fast protest for the dead body of         his disappeared brother Ali Yildiz, who had been buried in a
mass grave.
The demand of Kemal Gun has to be accepted immediately.
Every person has the right to bury his or her relative

Its possible to support Kemal Gun with a petition. See a pre-assembled version for a petition on the link below:

Click to access semih-nuriye-kemal-10-05ENG.pdf

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